Using Zoom platforms somewhat useful for people in their daily online communications such as virtual meetings with their friends, family members, colleagues, or clients. But when it comes to hosting live streaming events, event planners have the option to use the Zoom Video webinar service as a platform to host business or marketing events and broadcast to their target audience using the internet.
You can even use the Zoom Video webinar platform to host large hybrid events like Townhall meetings and AGM (Annual General Meeting). But it will need years of experience in event planning, a good technical skillset in videography, and professional video and audio equipment both hardware and software to host hybrid events that usually cater to hundreds or even thousands of attendees online.
When it comes to choosing a live streaming service provider, Zoom Video webinar has offered many benefits and advantages for companies to use it as the event platform. Features like building the post-event landing page, customization of the event’s registration webpage, reminder emails that are auto-generated to those attendees who have registered for the hybrid event are just a few of the basic features that made it easier for the event planners to start.
Zoom Video webinar platform also comes with technical features such as up to 100 interactive video panelists with 49 viewable on-screen at one time, the ability to allow the attendees to share their video content on the common screen, Q&A functions that allow attendees to like or up-vote, in-webinar text chat, polling features, functions to mute/unmute the panelist. Promoting the attendees to panelists, whiteboarding and annotation tools, post or after event survey links to gather feedback from the attendees, language interpreter support, features to record and transcripts, and finally the ability to integrate with CRM and marketing automation applications to record information on attendee’s registration.
You can even use the Zoom Video webinar platform to live stream your Townhall or AGM hybrid events and broadcast the event to unlimited audiences online using social media platforms like Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or customs streaming platforms after the hybrid event end to further promote your company’s branding.
Unlike webinar events which are usually broadcast to view-only attendees, large hybrid events like AGM and Townhall meetings usually allow the attendees to take part online and share their audio or video content on the common screen but depends on the host’s discretion.
Hybrid events also need more detailed event planning since the event stage production is base on the real venue instead of an indoor studio production set. Thus, most companies will hire professional video studio agencies that specialize in hybrid events like Spring Forest Studio in Singapore to help them in setting up the hybrid events and endure there is not technical during the broadcasting. For more information on hybrid event planning, you can give Spring Forest Studio a call today and get professionals to help you with your event’s needs.
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