With the advances in technology and improvements in bandwidth, people can now stream live or go video on demand with full HD quality. Other words, it is like live TV on the internet. Which literally means that Webcasting uses the power of the Internet to broadcast live or time-based delayed audio and/or video transmissions which is very similar to television and radio broadcasts for Live events.
Webcast is a media presentation that is distributed via the internet using the technology of streaming Media to spread a single source of the content to multiple viewers or listeners when they tune in the channel. Normally webcast will comes in two variations; online live or on demand. Which means that Webcasting is a form of media broadcasting that spreads using the internet to reach a board segment of viewers/listeners locally or globally.
A good example will be educational institutions that offer on-line courses whereby the lecturer will webcasts a pre-recorded or live lecture to his/her online students. Or a company that uses the webcast during the press conference that combined with a conference call to participants online. Users typically must have the appropriate multimedia application in order to view the online event.
Even though webcast is referred to non-interactive linear streams, the most event can be still broadcast either live to view immediately or viewers can opt for on-demand mode so they can watch anytime. The programs used for broadcasting are specificity designed to allow viewers to watch the event with uninterrupted experience.
As social media platforms and mobile devices are increasingly dominating and controlling the internet speed and internet. Online Options such as Facebook streaming and other similar event apps will allow webcasters to make their online video streams that are suitable for mobile devices such cell phones, tablets and laptops to provide users with feedback/replies with additional options to interact with other online users instantly without much delay in terms of time zone in the global scale.
Thus using webcast for live personal or corporate events are beneficial to the producers and the audiences in many ways as mentioned below.
. Increased capacity of the audience (online viewers and the participants in the venue)
. No restriction of online access in terms of global scale.
. Savings in traveling & accommodation expense.
. Reduction in carbon footprint for the environment for the event.
. Potential income via pay-per-view streaming or other sources
. Less compliance which is for important for Government agencies and publically listed companies
. Building of client database
. Better accuracy & instant stats & tracking
. Advantages of Mobile device streaming (smartphones and tablets)
. Better means of social media integration
. Facebook or other similar platform streaming
. Ease of Stats & tracking for marketing & compliance purpose.
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