Nowadays, there are many options for production or event companies to choose what kind of themes or setups they want for their broadcast, shows, or movies.
Modern video games are more demanding in terms of CGI imagery and motion animation design. Also, the actors responsible for the game animators will usually act in the green screen environment with specialized equipment attached to their face and body to allow the game animators to capture and portray the facial expression and body movements.
Thus, in this article, I will not mention the 3D Studio Set options for game design and movies but primarily on online events such as news broadcast and variety shows as it is very common in Singapore where companies will engage professional video studio house like Spring Forest Studio in Singapore.
Although there are many themes and concepts available in a 3D virtual studio set which the producer can easily customize to their clientâs need. There are seven main themes or options which the client will choose as these options are widely adopted by most media around the world for their news broadcast or variety talk shows as mentioned below. (Noted: You can also refer to this Link for visual reference)
Corporate Style Studio Sets
This studio set option comes with a virtual background display of skyscrapers and 2 LED panels from left to right. The speakers will stand in the middle of the virtual environment stage to present the show. This option is very popular for business talks as it gives the corporate âfeel and looksâ for online viewers.
Product Launch Style
This studio set option comes with a full 3D virtual background to allow the presenter to talk and display the companyâs product and the option to insert virtual or the real LED panel in the middle to allow the invited audience to discuss the new product launch for marketing purpose.
News Station Style Studio Sets
As the name implies, this studio set option is for news broadcast with virtual background display and will usually have real tables and chairs for the news broadcasters to sit and present their news report.
Scientific Style Studio Sets
This studio set option will usually come with a full 360-degree display or virtual background, 3D display, and colorful CGI graphics to allow the speaker to interact and present their scientific discoveries and report to the online viewers.
Home Penthouse Style Studio Sets
This studio set option is a concept that is popular for celebrities to host their talk show with a virtual background of a penthouse to present the âsuccess factorâ of the host speaker whom he or she will engage in the conversation more casually.
Large Studio Style Studio Sets
This large studio set option comes with a 360-degree virtual display of LED panels and background and is common for variety shows that have more than five speakers or actors on the stage. As it easily allows the virtual background to display the imagery or motion pictures and merge with the speakers or actors to maximize its visual and audio effects to their audience.
Mega Size Studio Style Studio Sets
This studio set option is the enlarged version of the Large Studio Style Studio Sets that has the same features and functions but in a more spacious environment to accommodate more people in the virtual stage.
If you want to know more about what Spring Forest Studio can do for your online events that require 3D studio production.
Call us or contact us now to book an appointment for your eventâs need.
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