When it comes to hosting a live streaming event, companies and business owners will usually hire a professional video studio agency to assist them in hosting the online events and broadcast to their target audience. Although it is possible to host the live streaming events using the available live streaming software, a videocam, or smartphone, and do it by yourself. It is still a great difference in terms of video quality as compared to hiring live-streaming professionals to do the job for you.
In this article, I will give you 10 reasons why you should hire a live streaming provider to host your corporate or personal events especially in Singapore where consumers are demanding in terms of the video content and its resolution quality.
Number One – Content Delivery Network
You will need a robust IT infrastructure and a good CDN (Content Delivery Network) to ensure that the live streaming event can be broadcast in high-quality video and there is no lagging or technical disruption in the network during the live event. This is quite difficult to achieve if you are streaming live events with a free platform or using your server.
Number Two – Ability to reach more audience
Physical events have their limitation in terms of the available space in the venue to cater to the attendees. By using Live streaming events, you can easily invite as many audiences as possible depending on the server’s capacity to broadcast the live event. Since there are no limitations of geography in the virtual world, the event can be a live stream to any part of the world and it is more cost-efficient than a physical event since you do not need to incur additional cost in terms of air tickets and hotel accommodation just to invite people to attend your corporate event.
Number Three – Better Engagement
You can create live streaming events that can easily engage with the audience in many ways using the online tools available to the host speakers and attendees during the broadcasting. From PowerPoint presentations, videos, animations, live chats, and other useful. It is easy for the host speaker or panelist to interact with the attendees plus you can also broadcast to social media as an on-demand video after the event to further promote your company’s brand.
Number Four – Convenience and Efficiency
Hiring a professional video studio agency allows you to focus more on the event’s planning and other agenda since the production crew can handle the hosting and the broadcasting part during the live streaming event.
Number Five – Customer support
By hiring a video studio agency to host your corporate live streaming event. You can be assured that these professionals can assist you in all aspects relating to the event’s operation and other matters to ensure that the streaming event will go well during the broadcasting.
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