When it comes to marketing by modern standards, many marketers have started to adopt the new strategy to enhance their marketing efforts and Webinars is definitely one of them. Webinar by definition is a type of web-based video conference that is broadcast in real time and the participating viewers can use their laptop or mobile devices to view the video and interact with the presenter or host for Q&A sessions and other related activities.
While the benefits of using webinars are convenience as the invited guest can join the event online without attending the site physically plus the ability to get generate new leads that are potential sales for the company. There are still many people especially owners of small business and new entrepreneurs are struggling with the idea of using webinars to present their business as they deem it to be too complex or costly.
To answer this question, I have compounded a short list as stated below to show the facts of creating a webinar and how it benefits business regardless of big corporations or small business.
1. How much effort is needed to host a webinar?
Depending on the agenda and the size of the event, it may take days or even months to think of a suitable concept for the event, hire the “right” company to do the live video streaming, getting suitable presenter and related personnel to host the event, doing promotion for the webinar and so on.
Most importantly, it is how the event planners capture the audience full attention and how well the presenters can engage with their audience actively whether the audience is at the event physically or viewing the event remotely online.
2. Are webinars ineffective and boring?
As mentioned earlier, webinars can be a boring event unless the event planners are able to insert programs that attract the audience’s attention during the event. The host will play a major role in the event on how he or she presents the topics during the event will largely determine if they can manage the audience and create excitement and interest for them.
This is important as webinars that are lively and interesting tend to create higher sales conversion rate and better lead generation as compared to those webinars that are boring
3. Is hosting a webinar expensive?
It depends on several factors such as the ability of the host or presenter to create an interactive and engaging presentation or the need to hire a third party to develop and plan the agenda, is there a need to hire a professional presenter or the host can run the show and whether can the company that host the event do the webinars all by themselves or the need to hire a professional video production company to run the show.
Other cost-related issues will include the rental of the venue, catering cost for the audience that attend the event physically, cost of marketing materials like brochures, gift bags, advertisements and so on. Thus depending on the size of the event and the technologies involved, hosting a webinar can be cost-effective if the returns are good and the hosting company can gain brand recognition and sale’s lead for their business.
4. Is setting up a webinar event complex and tedious?
It really depends on how the company plan the event, many may say that the hardest part is the planning and promotion for the webinar event. Which is the reason why many companies prefer to hire a professional video production house that has the resources and experience to make the webinar a successful event. Although it may be possible for the company to host the event by themselves, it will be more challenging and even a tedious process unless they have professionals within their company to host and promotes the webinar event.
5. Is promoting the webinar expensive?
There are many elements to consider when it comes to promoting the webinar event. Aside from the usual advertisement whether traditional or using SEO/SEM and social media marketing to promote the event. There are also costs incurred such as hiring the manpower to perform the relevant tasks, outsourced marketing activities to third-party companies to promote the event and so on.
Ultimately, the aim of hosting a webinar is to promote business branding and getting new leads.
While it is a fact the creating a webinar event can be costly and takes a lot of effort and to ensure the whole event goes without technical and other related issues, not to mention the marketing aspect to promote the webinar event. But the rewards are definitely promising and cost-effective if everything goes well.
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