Live streaming has been used to hold meetings, record event, hold conferences and church gathering are not exempted. The church is not just a place to gather and worship God but is a place where Christian fellowship amongst themselves in friendship, a place God designed where spiritual leaders could watch out for the welfare of Christians, as a shepherd guards the sheep. The church is a community. But unfortunately, Many Christians today struggle with church attendance due to some factors; busy schedules, long distance from residents, health and maybe age. Despite the challenges, the importance to attend church cannot be over emphasized as it is always better to worship God together and be committed to worship Him together. It is also the duties of the church leaders to bring the flock together and this becomes increasingly difficult as attending church is seen as a matter of convenience.
There is one solution
Spring Forest Studio offers live streaming services as an opportunity for church members to worship God from anywhere in the world. Once again, technology provides a solution that enables people to follow their church and attend Sunday services even if they are physically unable to go. We have helped some church leaders spread the teachings of the church through live streaming.
Reaching larger audience
With Live streaming, a greater population of person are reached even from the most remote part of the world. This is of great advantage especially when space availability is being put into consideration while hosting a live church event. It’s incredible when a church with 500 capacities can have over 2000 members follow its live event. Live streaming makes it pretty much possible.
Live streaming facilitates that all categories of churchgoers participate fully in church services. Members such as the sick, elderly and the disabled are the ones want to reach out to the most because they need all the support church leaders and members can give.
Live streaming as a medium to raise funds
Funds are often required for church building projects, youth forum, mission trips, a charity project and lots more. While brainstorming for a church fund raising campaign, you might want to leverage on live streaming to ask for supports. Churches can raise money by live streaming speaker series and choir presentations and attach a pay before you watch plea to support the church. This is very effective seeing that an online donation has experienced a tremendous growth compared to previous years.
Online promotion and reaching out to new members
By creating a video-on-demand channel, potential community members will have access to your church services and gain insights on the activities of your church. This will help them decide to join without feeling any pressure to commit.
Embedding live stream videos directly on Facebook and Twitter is also an excellent way to promote the church online. It is an excellent way to reach out to millennial as over 89% of young adultsā access social media.
Inviting Guest Speakers at little or no cost
The logistics of inviting a guest speaker to speak at church programs can be tasking sometimes. With the live stream, guest speakers or resident pastors who are away in a remote place can be invited to speak to the congregation through live streaming. With Spring Forest Studio, we can invite up to 8 speakers at any one time. No cost of traveling accrued, no logistics to consider and ultimately can be done at the convenience of both the church members and guest speakers as well.
So you see, live streaming goes a long way in moving the church ministry forward and the right news is, it doesn’t cost much.
Will live streaming discourage church goers from attending live church service and encourage watching online instead?
No! Live streaming cannot replace real experience. Nothing beats celebrating, fellowship and worshipping as a congregation. But live streaming can be a proactive measure to helping people stay connected to the church and make them want to be there physically. Also, communities and individuals who are not in the local vicinity of the church can connect with their faith by watching services and sermons from the Church they want to join.
Here at Spring Forest Studio, we provide social media video production, events coverage and live church event broadcast at a very affordable rate and with our HD Camera and high-quality audio capture we produce quality live streaming.
Churches can embrace live streaming and use it to spread their ministry. Why not contact us to help your church leverage on this technology?
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